Friday, December 26, 2014


Day one back at the Lake House. 

First of all, make a note that making the drive on a Sunday is the way to go.  If you get as frustrated as I do at big rigs blocking the highway, travel on Sundays.

Upon arrival, the house is shockingly clean compared to when we came back in June.   Livable even.

Dug out an old Serequel, really wanted to get a good night's sleep.  Cut it in half and set off on my journey.

Anyone who knows me,  also knows sleep and I have never been friends.  Back when I was working, the full dose barely helped.  I never thought I'd say it - but "Wow, this stuff is strong."

Could hardly drag my ass out of bed at noon.  Three double coffees later, I'm just shaking off the cobwebs.

Something about being here just makes me feel lazy.  I could plant myself in this chair for a few days easy.

Dark here today - but surprisingly NOT raining.   Need to get off my ass and knock down some weeds.  Also got a broken window to contend with here. 

Then get up to the cabin and get some real work done.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I miss Oklahoma

I'm having a lot of fun this summer in Colorado. It's great to be around friends, enjoy our big comfortable house, and have been playing with a band too.

But I miss Oklahoma.

Hunting season is coming.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Never a lazy moment

For all the "peacefulness" at the cabin, there sure seems to be a lot of work to do.
I got one coat of paint on the main gate. Not perfect, but better.  Will hit it again in the fall.

Weed whacked and sprayed in preparation for doing a turnip plot in September.  Lots of weed whacking and spraying for bugs around the cabin. 

We finally got our first visitors in Oklahoma, which was really great.  But my poor wife did little more than clean house and serve as bug bait!  After 6 months both the cabin and the lake house were dirty, dusty, and in need of about 3 days of house work. -oh, and three days of yard work for me (each). 

Quick visit to the Cabin in June

I wanted to get up to the cabin and see how things are going without me.  It's been a full 6 months since we left Oklahoma for China. I really didn't know what to expect.

The good news: solar power system and electric were in perfect condition. I topped off the batteries and we should be in good shape upon our return in the fall.

Water is OK. But having trouble getting enough pressure in the system.  Seems like the pump is holding its prime, not sure what's happening there.

Still amazingly peaceful there...

Friday, April 11, 2014 or BUST

Have put off the return to Oklahoma for now - maybe for the whole summer.  I decided "a little project" would do me good and jumped into with some kind of plan.  Never having run an ecommerce website - or any website - ever...  ...yeah, there's been a lot that I didn't know while getting into this.  As I've explained to a dozen tech support guys...  "I didn't know what I didn't know."

But kick-ass internet is a MUST while putting in the legwork on the site.  So Oklahoma is off the table for now.

Still hoping to make it out before turkey season is over, but no promises.