Tough month or so for movies, can't say that I've seen anything I love. I've been piling on the TV shows to make up the difference. Instead of binge watching whole series, I'm mixing them up.
Have been blending Agents of SHIELD, Banshee season 2, the old one off season of Hellcats, Discovery Channel's Naked and Afraid, Dark Angel has been fun to re watch, some Revolution, The Following, and a little Modern Family and Tosh.0 for an injection of comedy.
Keeps it fun and less monotonous to mix it up and stay in the middle of several stories. Movies below:
The Watch
Only got 30 or 40 minutes into this one. When I realized I didn't care enough about what skinned the security guard to sit through another hour of Stiller, Vaughn, and that other guy... I couldn't bring myself to even skip to the end. Enough is enough.
American Hustle
Hardy know where to start - well no - fast-forwarding through a fake fat guy taking forever to put on a toupee in the opening scene. That should have been a red flag.
Bale and Smart are just terrible, I don't know how anyone could fall for their sad attempts at being 70s mod squad wannabes. The ridiculous effort to add back story and depth with drawn out bad accent monologing voice overs was just about to painful as this run on sentence.
Overhyped BAD movie. A first act walk out.
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
This has to be the least ambitious of all the Hobbit-esque pictures. Flat, one dimensional - some times non dimensional characters, plodding halfway through a story. Things that worked in the past, like orcs riding hyenas, just fell short. And scenes so horribly CGI'd, I was a little embarrassed.
Veronica Mars
The Veronica Mars TV show was - for some unknown reason - intriguing to me. Kristen Bell's character was just snide enough to carry the show, which sometimes got mired in details that we just couldn't make ourselves care about.
In the movie, Veronica returns to Neptune to help her old on again off again pal Logan Eckles dodge a murder wrap. Besides being one of the least likable characters of the original show, the whole movie has you battling with the concept: "I'm going to throw away 10 years of education and a dream job in NYC to help a sort - of friend and get stuck in Shitsville for the rest of my life."
Wow Veronica, and you used to be the smartest girl in Neptune.
Add to that Bell's phoned-in performance, an exterior that shows every bit of her 33 years (sorry, if Demi can play a stripper at 60 years old, Kristen can do better), and friends who hang around together like lost episodes of The White Shadow... ...The whole show seems forced and off pace. Like a Dandy Warhol's song being played with a ska back beat.
Black Snake Moan
Odd movie, nearly impossible to describe without posting the whole script. Not exactly a date movie, but worth a look.
Uh... slow artsy feeling movie, probably should have been a short. British, with a Canadian feel. Absolutely no point to many parts of the show. Like the person who runs away when time is stopped, and a foot fairy game that drags on and on. But not a terrible movie if you're looking to avoid action.
The Big Bang
I've had this for years, but didn't watch it because it was mislabeled. I couldn't find out anything about it (under the wrong name), so just avoided it. I guess we really do fear the unknown.
Mediocre gumshoe plot with all the clichés. Worst CGI and worst physics ever to end a movie.
The one pic I did enjoy was The Wolf of Wall Street
The title says it all, and you'll understand what "outrageous" means in the other reviews. The scene on the airplane had me cracking up. Well worth taking in.