Sunday, December 1, 2013

Just sick...

Whenever I'm in a blind or a stand I always think "what if I was here an hour earlier?" or "Yeah it's ocean dark out here, but if I just stick it out another half hour..."

Well, that one really hit home tonight. More than three hours in the blind, plenty warm enough, but but had to pee so bad I couldn't think straight. Finally decided to pack it in.

There is no quiet way out of the blind. Big plastic zippers holding taught fabric, "zzzrrrrrrowwwwwwzzzzzz" I step out, pull the guns through. "zzzrrrrrrowwwwwwzzzzzz" close it back up, head toward the house.   Hear a noise and freeze.

Just in time to hear clomping hooves and see just a white tail bounding away in the dark. 10 minutes longer in the blind, and I'd be slicing up venison right now.

So listening to coyotes all around respond to a locator howl, sitting on the front porch grilling store bought chicken.

Tastes like defeat. 

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