Thursday, March 13, 2014

Back to Denver, on to China

The morning after packing up the cabin as best I could, was a bit rough. I had planned to get up early and hit the road. I had 11 or 12 hours driving back to Colorado.

The night before I had put off unloading the truck, ribs were hurting too much to lift anything.  Took a hot shower and crashed.

There was now a 3 day window to make my flight from Denver to China, I could wait a day if needed. But after sleeping through the alarm and scavenging a pain pill, I drank a pot of coffee and decided that the boredom of staying another day outweighed the discomfort of getting my shit together and heading out.

I drove around back, unloaded the tools and lawn equipment into the shed. Drove around front and added my box of clothes to the truck. Loaded the rest if the guns. I was too sore to lift the cooler and the food,  so that was just going to have to make the trip to Colorado with me.

Got a shower, turned off the hot water heater, turned the heater down. Collected up the trash, took one last look around. Hit the road.

No way to mince words here, it was painful to drive. But the usual run - 760 miles - went as it pretty much always does.  Far less fun without Sherri,  but knowing I was on my way to her made it bearable.

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