Thursday, March 13, 2014

The much abandoned blog

A winter colder than expected, an unplanned trip to China, and rediscovering the luxury of Colorado has taken us far away from that (glorious) lonely mountain top in Oklahoma.

By January 3 we were getting Sherri on a plane in the wee hours from Tulsa, ensuring she was in China before her father's surgery. Her daughter had visited for the holidays, and she was on the road - back to Colorado - within hours of my return to the lake house.

...and there I sat.

Surprising how we can do nothing together and be blissfully happy with that. But nothing without Sherri was like 24/7 in a dentist chair.  Unbearable.

So I made the decision - I believe my exact words were "fuckit, I'm going to China".

But it wasn't quite that simple. I had a roof being finished at the cabin. Delayed a bit due to weather. If we were leaving for an extended period,  then there were two houses to pack up - food to be sorted and removed,  and lots of heavy lifting to be done.

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