Saturday, March 22, 2014

Boot Trouble

Any woman who's been married for a while knows - men don't shop.

We buy.

When it's time for new boots, I order "same size, same color". I've worn the same boots for better than 15 years. The store I got my original pair from closed, so I ordered from the distributor in Texas.

Since I worked from my basement for nearly 10 years, often going days without putting on shoes, the life span of my boots has been extended exponentially.

The last time I ordered boots was 2007. Two pairs. Same size,  same color.

I destroyed one pair by wearing them while riding a Ducati.  The foot pegs were narrow, and heated up because they were attached to the engine block. This ate holes in the rubber soles which just fell away thereafter. I tried having them resoled, but it didn't work.

The other pair have been my every day running around boots. I have a really old pair that I wear for yard work and such, but have tried to keep the main pair of boots in decent shape.

Low and behold, my every day boots have cracks in the soles, and it's time for a couple new pairs. Of course, I just want the same size and the same color...

...much to my dismay, Hy-Test model 08171, 8 inch black boot with external met guard has been discontinued. If I could find them I'd order 3 or 4 pairs on the spot (probably last til I'm too old to wear boots).

But they are no more.

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