Friday, October 18, 2013

Dept of Water and Power: 2.04c

Really using the "all of the above" approach to having enough water and power.

I cut the top off of an old rain barrel, scrubbed the alge out of it, and am using it for a grey water systems (carrying buckets in to flush for now).  It's actually a big relief to be able to flush whenever you want without using potable water.

I have a fence between our land and one of the neighbors. He wants the fence gone and is willing to deconstruct it for me. It will give me enough steel to put a new roof on the cabin. Since none of the roofers will call me back I might as well give it a try on my own. The steel roof would actually give us water that is safe to drink. 
Last night we used the propane heater, tonight I've fired up the pellet stove (for a trip back to the 90s).  

The electric is holding up well, propane and wood help to supplement that. All of the above. 

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