Monday, October 7, 2013

Two man deer stand UP!

Back when I took my hunter safety course for Colorado, I learned that most hunters are injured not in firearms accidents, but in some way related two deer stand. People fall out of them, people fall of them, the stands fall down, people shoot themselves climbing in and out.

So by God I want one!

The bulk of it was assembled a few days ago, you can see the video in an earlier post. So I attached the ladder, and headed out to the stand.

the instructions cleverly advise you to have 3 people put up the stand. I would also advise you to go find two friends when putting up your stand. However my two friends where the ratchet straps in the back of my truck. I put 1 ratchet strap about 6 feet up, then climbed to the top and did 3 more ratchet straps.

At some point I realized it was going to be difficult to drive to the hospital with a broken spine. Unfortunately that realization came when I was already at the top of the ladder, and hey in for a penny in for quadriplegia.

 Yup, 4 foot truck bed, 15 foot ladder.  As Phil Bell once said, "this thing is a glorified wheel barrow".

15 feet doesn't seem like that far, til you're teetering at the top trying to wrap your arms around a tree so you can connect your ratchet straps. At least if you fall, thats 15 feet less you'll have to go to get to the hospital.
But it's up, it's badass, and there are turkey coming in here everyday.

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