Sunday, November 3, 2013

Back to the cabin (where I belong)

We came down from the cabin for a few days. I have to admit that I had over done it a couple days in a row, and resting up the "muscles" (I use the term loosely) was a necessity. Useing creatine every day is great for that extra energy to let you work hard day after day - but it doesn't give you time to rebuild those muscle fibers you've broken down.

Lots of protein and rest has me ready to get back at it.

I don't know if this is what retirement is for people who retire old?  I am coming up on a year since I walked out the door for the last time, and have gotten frighteningly good at doing nothing.

Sitting around the lake house, where there are no chores to do (of any magnitude) just bores the crap out of me now.

Somehow I convince myself that making coffee, doing a load of laundry, playing video games on my phone, and watching Season Two of Startrek Enterprise makes me "busy".  Phew, so many things to do, how will I find time to take out the trash and get a shower?  Nah, those things can wait 'til tomorrow.

So it'll be great to get back up to the cabin - back off the grid - where there is never a shortage of things to do. OK, some things are fun, and some are work. But even a day off there feels like a day well spent.

Robert Kyosaki (sorry if I misspelled that), the Rich Dad Poor Dad guy, says you really need a full year off when you step away from a business. It takes that amount of time to get your head out of the game and completely decompress.

I think I'm there. Uber decompressed.

Is it time to start looking for the next big thing?

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