Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sniping from roof tops

I just don't seem to have any luck sitting in a stand and waiting for deer and turkey to wander through. I feel like I should be waiving a flag or something because I'm so visible. Any noise, any movement, any scent - and you're sitting in a tree doing nothing.

Years ago I said that hunting is not very sporting, because shooting an animal is too easy. I would definitely retract that statement now. While shooting a critter may be less "fair" than say "knifing" it, the knowledge, hard work, and talent that go into being ready to take that shot at the moment the shot is there are very real.

I say that as a guy who has been living in a hunter's paradise for over two months. I have more game animals, varmints, and predators here than anyone could hope for.

I have managed to bag exactly ZERO of the ridiculously abundant wildlife running around me every day. No, I haven't hunted every day, not even close to it. But the result is ZERO.

Anyway...  today I tried to site the night vision scope on the PSL - but it's still not close enough to the target to use for game. Too bad, because I can see GREAT with it. But I'm not going to chase away all my deer by throwing bullets all over the place.

The AR is dead on, and I managed to hit the target with open sites putting Ania (my Polish sweetheart) to work for the first time.

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