Sunday, November 3, 2013

Solar So Far

Thus far the solar power system is doing great. We use so little power most days that we're not dipping into the batteries much at all. That will change as it gets cold and we need to run the pellet stove more. But for now, we're well below the capabilities of the system.

We have 1050w of 24v panels running through an Outback 80 amp controller. That charges a 12v battery grouping with 1530 amp hours of potential storage.

It's a small system, but so far is holding its own. I'll check tomorrow, but we should be generating 3.5 to 4.5 kw per day.

I still struggle with making sense of it all.  This many watts per day of use, through the inverter, the batteries, the controller, and drawing from the panels...  Still don't know how to properly size a system. 

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