Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cleaning up the North side

On the to do list I have "skirt the North side" and "get the barrels up for the rainwater flush system".  However, there is plenty to clean up and get out of the way before getting to either of those projects.
Five year old firewood that is probably more closely related to dirt than wood. A couple of diesel fuel barrels,  one full of ???

Not that we have any company coming up to judge us on how Hillbilly the yard is...  ...but I need to start somewhere. 

Picked up the trash, moved the punky old firewood over by the burn pit, and hauled the barrels over behind the shed (where the barrels live).

Pulled 6 years of rotting leaves and "stuff" away from the house, and have things in hand for chopping up the old pump housing. The pump housing is a big box that used to control water from the well and the rain catchment system. Now it's just soggy rotted plywood with a couple of dead batteries in it.

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