Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hunting and the Howling Winds

At the top of my to do list is always the word "HUNT".  It's too easy to get caught up in projects and laziness and forget the biggest reason we're up here. I've been sighting in rifles, sitting in stands, checking cameras, and delivering corn. For the record, nothing yet. We have about 5 deer coming through the upper stand, though not on a schedule. As many as 11 turkey at a time at the lower stand. I just haven't managed to be at the right place at the right time.

It's a dark and fuzzy photo, but this guy has a decent rack on him.  

The turkey vids are pretty funny - it's like a damn stampede.  These guys come charging in, trying to beat each other out for the corn.

They're all scratching and digging around - I wish the trail cam videos had sound.

We've had the wind just blasting the cabin for the last few days. At the bottom of the hill, the South end of our property, it's calmer and warmer (when chilly).  But our beautiful view comes with a price. Fortunately it's 70 degrees today, and will be warm over the next week.

The rain barrel is almost empty, could definitely use more water.  But we'll get by either way.

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