Friday, September 20, 2013

A Day Off

Friday the 20th. It rained most of last night and into this morning. Other than a few spots of rain over the last couple days, this is the first real rain the area has seen in a month.

As the Starks say " Winter is coming", and we're likely to get more days like this.

There are plenty of things I could or should be doing:
 - I could run the Raider down the road and see how good or bad it is after 10 or 12 hours of light rain.
 - assuming the road is OK, I should head into town with the Nissan get another load of water.
 - or just make a left turn and do some exploring, maybe find some alternate routes off the mountain.
 - is certainly wouldn't hurt to spend some time cleaning the inside of the cabin.
 - or to start cleaning up the two container sheds and setting up my work shop.
 - today would also be the perfect time to drag some of this old furniture outside and set it on fire - since the mountain is well soaked and there is no danger of burning down the world.

But after struggling to sleep a little bit last night, and sleeping a little late this morning, I shaved, cut finger and toe nails, and got a hot shower.

[Note:  sleeping with DEET didn't help. I have 4 or 5 new mosquito bites this morning - not bad ones though.]

Since Sherri is asleep in China, I don't really see the point firing up the generator and having internet. So I'm just bouncing around the cabin and messing with whatever devices still have a charge.

I get like this sometimes when Sherri leaves. Would rather do nothing than do anything without her. I'll perk back up in a day or two.

Yeah, maybe I'll put the chainsaw back together, or start assembly of the new deer stand.

Or maybe just make another pot of coffee and watch the clouds passing by at window level.

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