Monday, September 16, 2013

Other Ponds

The "deer pond" is only about a foot deep, and was completely dry when we saw it on July 14. I doubt there is any way to keep this one full or to make it a living pond on it's own. If I can get anything from the well, maybe I can set it up to pump any overflow toward the deer pond.

The lagoon? Well, that's a whole 'nother thing. It would need a load of sand to cover the rocky bottom, and a liner put in place. It will never hold water on its own - and will be a "poo pile" instead of a septic system. It needs to be addressed. It wouldn't be a great place to harvest fish from, but having fish present will ensure the chemicals and bacteria are there to process waste when needed - especially when we are absent for extended periods. This may be a better place to divert well water.

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