Monday, September 30, 2013

The simple task...

Yesterday afternoon I was a little sore and grumpy, and decided to do something that would be easy. I would unload the solar panels from the truck into the shed.

That however, sent me to the task of cleaning out the shed. I have yet to find anything here that doesn't require brute force and stupidity to get it done. The good news is what I lack in brute force, I greatly overcompensate with stupidity.
Oh yes, there will be a bonfire.  The first load of mouse-turd covered furniture on its way to the fire pit.

But the shed is clean, and a solar panels are tucked away nicely. Today I work on pulling the old batteries out of the other shed, and maybe cleaning up that mess a bit too. New batteries come Thursday, yea!

17 batteries going out, 8 batteries coming in. At 125 pounds each I hope this creatine really kicks in.

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