Saturday, September 21, 2013

Entertainment, what to do when you don't want to do anything.

Believe it or not, there's a low level of mental exhaustion in pushing yourself to do things you don't absolutely have to do.

I scoured the internet and made over 30 phone calls to get the information I needed and order a new refrigerator. I had 9 calls back and forth with the guy who delivered the hot water heater.  I had to decide - $1300 on demand hot water heater that will save us propane in the long run - or $350 conventional system that saves money now. [But I digress... ]

I know I know... working people do all this and more every day - usually for no real personal pay off.

But I don't actually have to do this stuff. If I sit on my butt and do nothing - the world still turns. So there's this goofy leisurely discipline, like trying to get yourself out of bed on a Saturday morning when you know you're just going to migrate to the sofa and watch TV.

Anyway, so yesterday I did mostly nothing. And I'm pretty damn good at it.

My evening entertainment is usually centered on the Galaxy tablet and the phone. The tablet is great for movies, tv shows, and a couple of games. I transfer stuff from the hard drives when the power is on, and the tablet and laptop work great when the power is off.

With the phone I try not to run the battery all the way down, but usually do (I managed to wipe it out every day in Colorado too).  But that's what I use to write all the blog entries and take all the photos. So it rarely makes it through the day without some additional charging.

If the genny is on, I'm charging. If I'm driving the Nissan, I'm charging.

I did figure out today that the laptop is good for loading large numbers of pictures - like from the trail cam.

So for those times I'm just too lazy to do something - I've pretty much got tv and Internet replaced.

Once we have ongoing power, we'll have the net 24/7 (well, maybe 6/7, and that will enhance the experience.

Will try to get in the habit of doing something productive in the house every evening, but no promises.

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