Sunday, September 29, 2013

water and power, a slow start

Drove to Durant yesterday in the rain and picked up solar panels.

I had been working with some folks in Kansas to design and install a new solar power system. Out of the blue they've come back to me with some ridiculous pricing, so it looks like I'll be knocking this one out on my own.

The whole solar industry seems to be flakes and schysters. The first group I was working with put me on a wait list. Then called 15 minutes before they were to arrive and said they couldn't make it. (Sun City Solar)

The Kohler service company in Tulsa(Clifford Power Systems) put me off for weeks to come out and do a top down service on the big generator.   They wouldn't give me prices, but finally set up an appointment. No show, no call, no surprise.

Steel roofing guy - so I can set up a catchment system - vanished.

So I'll do what I can on my own. Set up a well pump, tank, and toilet flushing system. See if I can find some videos of solar installs, and get it done.

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